ADEA coordinates workshop on ECCE at UNESCO World Conference on ESD

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ADEA was invited by UNESCO to participate in the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) which took place in Nagoya, Japan, November 10-12, 2014.

ADEA helped prepare a workshop on “Re-orienting education for a better future” and was assigned the co-coordination of the workshop on mainstreaming ESD in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE).  The workshop was expected to play a key role in mobilizing stakeholders for the implementation of the Global Action Program (GAP) on ESD which seeks to generate and scale-up ESD action. The co-coordinator of the workshop along with ADEA was the World Association for Early Childhood Education (OMEP).

Hamidou, Boukary, who represented ADEA, also participated in the workshop on “Teaching, Assessing and Promoting 21st Century Competencies”. This was an opportunity to inform participants of the work carried out by ADEA in identifying key competencies and skills for sustainable development in Africa. In 2012, a workshop organized by ADEA in Mauritius produce guidelines and started a process to support countries in formulating ESD policies and programs.

For more information, contact Hamidou Boukary, Chief Education Officer, ADEA,