ADEA attends the Second GPE Replenishment Conference in Brussels

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ADEA attended the Second GPE Replenishment Conference in Brussels, June 25-25, 2014. The Chair of ADEA, Hon. Alim Youssouf Hadidja, Minister of Basic Education of Cameroun presented the ADEA Pledge for 2015 – 2018 on its contribution to Africa’s data revolution. 

In the pledge, ADEA commits to support the EMIS national peer reviews in SADC and ECOWAS regions and to support technical assistance to extend the practice to ECCAS and EAC member states. ADEA also pledges to advocate for the integration of the GPE data needs into the roll out of the AU EMIS initiative.

The Pledge was drafted by ADEA’s Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support, following the Interim Coordinator’s participation in the GPE meeting of the African constituencies, which took place in Bujumbura, Burundi, June 11-12, 2014. During the meeting, the countries requested that ADEA and GPE work to pull their efforts together for an agreed data strategy and the integration of GPE indicators into the continental framework.

The commitment read in Brussels is based on the discussions that took place at the GPE meeting of the Africa Constituencies, which took place in Bujumbura, Burundi, June 11-12, 2014.

Dzingai Mutumbuka, also attended the GPE meeting, to which he had been invited as ADEA Chair to participate in a panel on learning outcomes. This was a very well attended panel as many agencies are now putting emphasis on the results of education. The presence of Dzingai Mutumbuka at GPE also enabled him to network with members and partners on behalf of ADEA.

For more information on the panel on learning outcomes, contact Dzingai Mutumbuka,

For more information on the ADEA Pledge, contact Angela Arnott, Interim Coordinator, WGEMPS,  a.arnott