ADEA in Angola: “Seizing opportunities in education and training”

A delegation from the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) visited Luanda, Angola from 13th to 17th July 2015. Members of the delegation included the ADEA Executive Secretary Ms. Oley Dibba Wadda, Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE) Coordinator Prof. Ibrahima Bah-Lalya, Knowledge Management Officer Ms. Raky Gassama Coly and WGNFE Programme Officer Mr. Youssouf Maiga.
The purpose of the visit was to thank the Angolan education authorities for their support for ADEA and to strengthen cooperation, in particular, by launching a peer review in the country.
The ADEA delegation held a series of meetings with His Excellency Mr Pinda Simao, Angola’s Minister of Education, who was accompanied by the Secretaries of State and senior departmental officials. The delegation also conducted field visits to a representative sample of schools and training centres covering all levels of education and training, from pre-primary to higher education, as well as teacher training colleges. The visits gave the team a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges arising in country’s education and training system.
The high quality educational facilities and infrastructure in the country’s schools and training centres were of particular note.
The challenges include:
- limited staff skills, for example in the educational and administrative area;
- lack of measures for disadvantaged learners, including illiterate adults and young people who have dropped out of school due to conflicts, other nomadic groups and children with special needs.
Following the ADEA visit to Angola, a report was drawn up to define the scope of the cooperation between the two parties, especially with regard to the proposed peer review. Among other things:
1. The Angolan authorities have stated their intention to carry out a peer review in Angola in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding to be drawn up and signed by both parties;
2. The Angolan authorities will appoint a National Steering Committee, a Technical Committee and a person to act as National Focal Point for the organisation of the review;
3. The following areas will be covered:
- Area 1: Quality of teaching and learning;
- Area 2: Teacher training;
- Area 3: Training of educational inspectors and educational supervisors;
- Area 4: Technical and vocational skills development for teachers;
- Area 5: Technical and vocational education;
- Area 6: Education for groups with special needs, including illiterate adults, women in rural areas, vulnerable young people and nomadic groups.
4. The Angolan authorities asked for ADEA to provide support during the self-assessment stage of the peer review.
The Angolan authorities warmly welcomed the ADEA delegation. The visit has provided an opportunity to discuss important issues on education and training, which augurs well for future cooperation between Angola and ADEA.
For further information, please contact:
For the WGNFE: Mr Ibrahima Bah-Lalya, e-mail:
For the Executive Secretary: Ms Raky Gassama-Coly, e-mail: