WGMSE and CEMASTEA review teacher training curriculum in math and science
ADEA’s Working Group on Mathematics and Science Education (WGMSE) is currently working with CEMASTEA staff to review training curriculum and manuals for the JICA sponsored Third Country Training Program courses scheduled for September-October 2014. The courses conducted at CEMASTEA have so far trained 1,500 educators from 27African countries participating in the Pan-African Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education in Africa (SMASE) network in Africa. The courses provide a forum for mathematics and science educators to benefit from innovative experiences and lessons learnt from various African countries’ efforts to improve teacher classroom practice and to establish sustainable INSET systems.
To support these courses, WGMSE’s Lead Agency JICA and the Government of Kenya invested over US$5million in upgrading and refurbishing CEMASTEA’s training facilities. The Centre now boasts ultra-modern lecture rooms, conference hall, science and ICT laboratories and staff offices. The facility which was inaugurated by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya Hon. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta on February 6, 2014 will now enhance CEMASTEA’s capacity to host WGMSE’s activities. In his speech, the President indicated that CEMASTEA will lead a Kenya’s programme to repackage science, mathematics, and technology education under the 2nd Medium Term Plan (2013-2017) of the country’s Vision 2030. The president thanked ADEA, African Union and SMASE Africa for honouring Kenya by hosting their activities at CEMASTEA.
Africa has the lowest enrolment and graduation in science and math. This is compounded by lack of science mathematics and technology (SMT) teachers at secondary and higher education and by half of teachers in service being either unqualified or under-qualified.
Efforts therefore must be made to strengthen teacher capacities to adopt pedagogies that can effectively nurture critical science and mathematical skills. It is for this reason that the Working Group on Mathematics and Science Education (WGMSE) focuses on capacity building for mathematics and science educators.
For more information, contact Patrick Aluma Kogolla, pkogolla@gmail.com