WGEMPS participates in Mid-Term Review of the African Youth Decade

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The African Union Youth Division has invited, and is fully funding, an education expert and a statistician from ADEA’s Working group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS) to offer technical assistance in a writing workshop for the Mid-Term Review of the African Youth Decade Plan of Action (DPoA) (2009-2018).

The education expert will be part of the education and skills development writing team and the statistician will be part of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) writing team. The workshop, which will take place from 11th to 15th August, 2014 in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia will bring together experts of the five thematic focus areas of the DPoA and a sixth group of experts dedicated to its monitoring and evaluation aspects.  The writing workshop is expected to produce a minimum package for the five priority areas and agree on a monitoring and reporting framework.

The 5 priority areas include: scale up best practices concerning programs and activities related to youth employability, right to health information and services, equity based and competitive education, skills development; coordinate multilateral efforts in the development, implementation and monitoring of youth development policies and programs; target marginalized groups (young women, youth with disabilities, youth in post-conflict areas); consolidate leadership development as well as volunteerism among youth; and ensure the availability of the comparative disaggregated data on youth development.