Setting up the stage for the African Forum on Youth Skills and Enterprises in the Digital Age

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Tunis, 16th April 2018 – African Ministers of Education, Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD), Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Higher Education and Employment, as well as representatives of development cooperation partners, private sector, civil society and youth, will be gathering in Tunis for the “African Forum on Youth Skills and Enterprises in the Digital Age”, in order to share and discuss comprehensive and innovative TVSD/TVET models and programs.

The high level meeting will take place at Ramada Plaza Hotel in Tunis from 17th to 19th April 2018.

The Forum will be officially opened on 18th April by Hon. Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor, Commissioner of the African Union’s department on Human Resources Science and Technology (HRST); Hon. Buti Manamela, Deputy Minister for Higher Education and Training of South Africa; and Hon. Faouzi Abderrahmane, Minister of Vocational Training and Employment of Tunisia.

The main theme of the Forum, "Harnessing Demographic Dividend through Investments in the Youth", aims at developing the leadership and digital skills of the youth – equipping them with the necessary knowledge, tools and know-how – to design marketable products and services for the creation of sustainable enterprises and employment opportunities.

Expert technical sessions and high level round tables will explore the following themes:

  • Exploring the future of the world of work to inform skills policy;
  • Continental Frameworks (CESA 16-25, TVET and STISA 2024);
  • Skills Portal for Youth Employment (SPYE);
  • The future of skills and jobs;
  • African Youth, digital competencies and creative media: “from skills to market”;
  • Empowering young women and girls through digital skills;
  • Conventional and emerging technologies (Virtual Realities, Open Educational Resources, Gamification, Robotics, Open Badges, etc.);
  • Digital secondary education, 21st century skills and readiness for the world of work;
  • Life skills and citizenship education, reimagining the learning agenda to ensure successful transition from learning to the world of work;
  • Adapting and developing agility through a comprehensive national digital skills for enhanced employability, productivity and innovation capacity;
  • How to create enabling environments to support skills development and boost the creation of new businesses.

The event is organized by the Government of Tunisia through its Ministry of Professional Training and Employment (MFPE), the African Union (AU), the Global E-Schools and Communities Initiative (GESCI), the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), and the United Nations’ Children Fund (UNICEF). The strategic partners of this event are: JP.IK and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). The Forum is sponsored by: ACT and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).

For more information on technical sessions, high level round tables, speakers and side events please visit the Forum official website:

The Forum will be live streamed at http://digitalskills4africanyouth.adeanet.orglivestreaming

Social media official hashtags: #Skills4Africa / #DS4AY


For more information, please contact:


Media contacts:

  • Ms. Kawther Nsiri, Information and Communication Officer, Ministry of Professional Training and Employment, MFPE, T. 00216. // 00216.97.802.503 |
  • Mr. Stefano De Cupis, Senior Communications Officer, ADEA, T. +225 20 26 42 61 |