Radicalization and Violent Extremism: ADEA joins The Commonwealth Education Hub’s e-discussion

The ADEA Secretariat moderated an online discussion on strengthening global peace through countering radicalization and violent extremism.
The Commonwealth Education Hub (www.thecommonwealth-educationhub.net) launched a knowledge sharing hub between 12th November and 3rd December 2015. The three-week discussion reached out to more than 600 participants, engaging a wide range of education stakeholders from different professional and geographical backgrounds. Education was highlighted as having the potential to be the greatest mean of countering radicalization and having a responsibility to fulfil this potential.
A discussion summary with the various contributions is available in English and can be downloaded here: https://www.thecommonwealth-educationhub.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/...
For more information, please contact:
- Ms. Raky Gassama-Coly, Knowledge Management Officer, ADEA Secretariat: r.gassamacoly@afdb.org
- Mr. Paul West, Education Advisor, The Commonwealth Secretariat / ADEA Coordinator of the Working Group on the Teaching Profession (WGTP): p.west@commonwealth.int