Policy briefs summarize RECs’ progress towards Second Decade for Education in Africa goals

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Through its Working Group on Education Management Policy Support (WGEMPS) ADEA is the technical arm of the African Union’s Education Division and Observatory. Its flagship activity is the production of biannual reports for the Conference of Ministers of Education of the African Union (COMEDAF). The reports measure the achievements of African countries and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in the eight priority areas targeted in the AU’s Second Decade of Education Plan of Action. 

These reports are published every two years and made available at the AU’s COMEDAF meetings. Policy briefs are produced on the five RECs summarizing the key findings and recommendations.

Reports for IGAD, SADC, ECOWAS and EAC are now available. 

For more information contact: Angela Arnott, a.arnott@afdb.org, Interim Coordinator, ADEA Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS)