The Passing of Dr. Sarah E. Moten

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(Washington, DC. July 15, 2013): Dr. Sarah E. Moten, former Chief, USAID Africa Bureau, Office of Sustainable Development, Education Division died on Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, July 20, 2013 at Carolina Missionary Baptist Church, 9901 Allentown, Rd., Ft. Washington, MD. Visitation will be held at 9:30-11:00; and service will follow immediately from 11:30-1:30 PM. Interment will be held at Resurrection Cemetery, 8000 Woodyard Road, Clinton, Maryland, 20735. In lieu of flowers, the family will establish a Scholarship fund to promote the education of girls and women to continue the legacy Dr. Moten worked so tirelessly for during her career...
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Message from the ADEA Chair: The Passing of Dr. Sarah E. Moten

Dear Colleagues,

It is with deepest sadness that we have learned that Sarah has passed away on Tuesday, July 9. You will remember that she represented USAID on the ADEA Steering Committee for many years. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

Kindest regards

ADEA Chair