Meeting in Ouagadougou on issues regarding the Inter-Country Quality Node on Literacy and National Languages (ICQN/LNL)

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A regional conference of the Ministers of the Inter-Country Quality Node on Literacy and National Languages was held in Ouagadougou from 02 to 04 May, 2013 to validate the Three-Year Action Program proposed by a workshop of the same Node which was held earlier in December 2010.

This conference was preceded by a seminar aimed at capitalizing, within the framework of South-South cooperation, successful non-formal education alternatives that bear the potential for scaling up and dissemination within the Node and in other interested countries.

The conference brought together representatives of Node member country educational and training systems, experts who are internationally recognized for their works on literacy and training systems, experts who are internationally recognized for their works on literacy and non-formal education, representatives of pan-African and international institutions including ACALAN (African Academy of National Languages), RCAEL (Regional Council for Adult Education and Literacy), the African Union, UIL(UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning), and technical / financial partners including UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, the Canadian Cooperation, the Swiss Cooperation and Plan Burkina). Civil society organizations and experts from Burkina Faso, Togo, Niger, Mali, The Gambia and Senegal were also represented.

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