International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All holds Fifth Policy Dialogue Forum

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November 30, 2012: More than 250 professionals and experts from 46 countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Europe engaged in a policy dialogue forum from 28 – 30 November, 2012 in Windhoek, Namibia. The forum was organized by the International task Force on Teachers for EFA.  The Minister of Education of Namibia, Mr. Abraham Iyambo, who opened the Forum spoke about the value of teachers in society. The two-day Forum discussed in seven plenary and group sessions topics covering teacher education and professional development, teachers’ status and working conditions, inclusion in teacher policies and practices, teachers and teaching for sustainable development, and monitoring and evaluation teacher policies and practices. Several varied recommendations emerged from the sessions, with several bordering on the need to rethink teacher education and professional development. Participants called on countries to make specific and measurable commitments to increase or improve financing for the teaching profession.

A day after this Forum on Friday 30 November, 2012, a technical meeting of the Pan African Conference on Teacher Education and Development (PACTED) partners was held to review the recommendations of the PACTED workshop which culminated in the finalization of a roadmap for teacher development in Africa. This initiative coordinated by the international task Force on Teachers for EFA and led by the African Union Commission (AUC) with strong partnership from ADEA, UNICEF, UNESCO and Education International saw the adoption of the roadmap at the Fifth Conference of African Ministers of Education (COMEDAF V) in Abuja, Nigeria in April 2012. The session was chaired by Edem Adubra, Chief of the International Task Force Secretariat on Teachers for EFA and Jean Marie Byll-Cataria, Executive Secretary of ADEA.

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