Different Settings, Similar Outcomes: ADEA Workshop demystifies Learning Assessments

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Group photo: Participants attending the ADEA training of trainers’ workshop in Kigali, Rwanda | Photo credit: ADEA

Abidjan, 16 October 2017 – A joint initiative by the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)’s Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (ADEA-WGEMPS), Inter-Country Quality Node on Teaching and Learning (ICQN-TL), and the Network of African Learning Assessments (NALA) resulted in the successful training of 54 experts from 7 African countries. This 5-day training of trainers’ workshop covered Psychometrics, Competency Based Curriculum and Competency Based Assessment. The experts also seized the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing development of the ICQN’s Strategic Plan and the Learning Assessments Systems Evaluation Framework (LASEF). The meeting was held at the Hilltop Hotel and Country Club in Kigali from 25th to 29th September and participants came from Botswana, Burkina Faso, Côte D’Ivoire, Rwanda, Senegal, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

The Government of Rwanda, represented by the Director General of the Rwanda Education Board, Mr. Janvier Gassana, opened the workshop on the first day. In his keynote address, made on behalf of the Minister of Education Hon. Dr. Musafiri Papias Malimba; Mr. Gassana noted the importance of the workshop as presenting a stage on which participants could learn from each other and share knowledge on aligning curriculum and assessment practices to contemporary competencies needed in the world of work. He expressed the delight of the government of Rwanda in hosting ADEA’s ICQN-TL, stating: "ADEA’s Inter-Country Quality Node on Teaching and Learning increased Rwanda’s opportunities in improving its own education and training systems”. In line with one of the ICQN-TL’s goals “to accumulate information on innovative educational experiences in Africa, working with a group of countries in the region to apply these experiences to their national contexts”, Mr. Gassana pointed out the importance of this training workshop as an invaluable opportunity for countries represented to learn about the emerging innovative solutions to traditional challenges in most assessment systems in Africa.

In his welcome remarks, Dr. Michael Tusiime, the ICQN-TL Coordinator affirmed: “The ICQN on Teaching and Learning, led by Rwanda, is playing a key role as a knowledge sharing hub for education experts from across the continent”. He also encouraged participants’ governments represented through the various departments, to be more involved in the ICQN-TL’s processes so as to contribute meaningfully to African solutions for the improvement of teaching and learning in Africa. In her presentation, Ms. Gertrude Bvindi, an ADEA-WGEMPS Project Analyst, indicated that the Learning Assessments Systems Evaluation Framework (LASEF) Evaluation Report was an illustrative testimony of the progress made by ADEA-WGEMPS and the ICQN-TL towards finalising the framework, hence a need for the participating countries to share best practices that would facilitate the implementation of LASEF for sustainable impact in the near future.

The participants, drawn from the various units of Ministries of Education (departments of curriculum development, quality control and planning; examinations councils, teacher representatives) and civil society partners gave inputs towards the development of the assessment training materials, which ADEA is in the process of producing - to further facilitate in country training for the countries represented. The workshop renewed the focus towards innovative learning assessment approaches and training, in competency based curriculum, psychometrics and continuous assessment. Participants deliberated on the importance of the principles of validity, reliability, standardization and objectivity in assessments for the improvement of learning outcomes in the education sector.

Countries made presentations on nationally contextualised systems in Continuous Based Assessments; their status in the development and implementation of Competence Based Curricular and the relevant policies supporting improvement of national assessment systems. The workshop provided a knowledge sharing platform where participants were able to identify gaps and opportunities in their own policies and systems.

The country contributions on the strategic plan will help shape the ICQN’s key strategic objectives for the next five years. The NALA Francophone focal Country (Senegal) and Anglophone Focal Country (Zambia) explored the relationship between ADEA, the ICQN and NALA. With this final activity, the workshop was adjourned by closing remarks and a vote of thanks from Dr. Michael Tusiime.

For more information on the event, please contact: 

  • Dr. Michael Tusiime, Coordinator of the ICQN Teaching and Learning, T. (+250) 7876 83300, mrwibasira@reb.rw
  • Mr. Makha Ndao, Coordinator, ADEA Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS), T. (+263) 4775 776-9, m.ndao@afdb.org

Media contact:

  • Mr. Stefano De Cupis, Senior Communications Officer, ADEA, T. (+225) 2026 4261, s.decupis@afdb.org

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