Brainstorming session on the lessons learned from the 1st edition of Education Research in Africa Award (ERAA)

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ADEA held a brainstorming session on the lessons learned from the 1st edition of Education Research in Africa Award (ERAA) which took place on March 15, 2013 during the Comparative International Education Society (CIES) in New Orleans. The session was presided over by the Chair of ADEA, Mr. Dzingai Mutumbuka with the participation of members of ADEA Secretariat, the Scientific Committee and the Jury.

The session addressed the following 3 questions: where are we? Where do we come from? And where are we going? The Major items discussed were: achievements, challenges, review of Jury reports, sustainability, African Ownership and Award ceremony. The inaugural edition of the Award was launched in partnership with AfDB/EADI and the KOAFFEC in 2012 with four (4) categories: Emerging Educational Researcher, Accomplished Educational Researcher, Outstanding Educational Researcher, and Enabling Institutional Environment for Educational Research. Pre-selection and final selection of the Awardees was made by jury members in accordance with the evaluation criteria on December 2012-early March 2013.

For the First Edition 50 submissions were received between July 26 and September 21, 2012 and there were a total of 34 were eligible. The submissions focused on a broad range of topics such as:  Policy related ( reform issues  in all sub-sectors sectors) ; Sociology of education, Economics of Education/Education Finance , Skills development and Vocational Education, Technology & ICT, Mathematics and Science Education and also on Higher education.  Most of the eligible submissions came from Anglophone African countries. Winners for all the 4 categories of awards have now been identified.

ADEA Secretariat and the African Development Bank’s focal point on capacity building - the African Development Institute (ADI/AfDB) will discuss modalities for organizing the Award Ceremony during a high-profile event in order to promote the ownership and leadership of the Award by African researchers and policy-makers.

For more details please go on the ERAA Website: