ADEA holds 39th Session of its Steering Committee in Tunis

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ADEA held the 39th Session of its Steering Committee in Tunis, December 12-13, 2013. The meeting discussed the 2014 Program and Budget, ADEA’s financial situation and implementation of the organizational audit conducted in 2013.  It also discussed other issues including partnerships, ADEA’s Working Groups and Inter-Country QualityNodes and preparation of the next Triennale.

Regarding partnerships, renewal of the MoU between the AUC and ADEA was tabled and the revised document is now being finalized. The MoU, which has been in existence since 2008, has underpinned ADEA’s contribution to the implementation of AU’s Second Decade of Education Action Plan in several areas, including Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) and Statistics, Higher Education, Books and Learning Materials and  Early Childhood Development. 

The AU Commission is an observer member of the ADEA Steering Committee and the AU Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, Mr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga, was present at the ADEA meeting.

The 30th Session of the Steering Committee hosted a meeting of the ADEA Bureau of Ministers, an Inter-Agency meeting, and a meeting of the Executive Committee. 

A side meeting was also held with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMOE) [see next news brief].