4th ADEA WGHE/AAU Webinar: Revitalizing Research and Innovation to Address Continental Challenges and Promote Global Competitiveness in Africa

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Date: Thursday, 27th October 2016

Time: 12:00 GMT 

Venue: Conference Hall, AAU Office, Airport Residential Area, Accra, Ghana.

Organizers:  This Webinar is organized by the Association for Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) through its Working Group on Higher Education (WGHE), hosted by the Association of African Universities (AAU).

Target Audience: The Webinars are open to all - most especially,  Vice- Chancellors, academic staff, board members of AAU , development cooperation partners, the African Union Commission staff, Educational Divisions of the various Regional Economic Communities (RECs), International Education-based NGO’s, Ministries of Education,  scholars, students, researchers, diaspora, private sector, government officials and others.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE              

  1. Register at www.aau.org/webinars
  2. Webinar will be streamed live at  https://meet53484183.adobeconnect.com/wghetalks/
  3. Make sure you have Adobe flash player installed on your device (computer, phones etc.), if not, please click here: https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/

Live Tweeting and Event Hashtag

  1. Join the conversation following #WGHETalks and share your comments and questions.
  2. Follow our webinar via our social media channels:

AAU  @AAU_67      |    AAU  AAU    |    ADEA  @ADEAnet    |    ADEA  ADEAnet 

For any further information, please contact the following numbers for assistance: (+233) 302-774495 / 715588, (+233)-243298464 or email us at kasam@aau.org and ndhlamini@aau.org