40th Session of the ADEA Steering Committee reflects on future and celebrates 25th Anniversary

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ADEA held the 40th Session of its Steering Committee in Tunis, May 14-17, 2014. About 70 members were present, including Ministers or high officials representing Ministries of Education from 14 African countries as well as ADEA’s  agency representatives. The African Union Commission (AUC), an observer member of the ADEA, was represented by the Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology.

The meeting kicked off with a day’s seminar on the new ADEA that is currently being redesigned in order to ensure that ADEA remains most relevant and effective. The ADEA Bureau of Ministers as well as the development agencies that support ADEA’s programmes around the African continent also met separately to discuss issues related to ADEA’s future and implementation of the Medium-Term Plan.

Among the highlights of the 40th Session were the Steering Committee’s approval of the following:
-    the 2013 Report of Activities and 2014 Program and Budget;
-    the broad lines of ADEA’s organizational redesign, stemming from the organizational audit conducted in 2013;
-    the setting up of an Inter-Country Quality Node (ICQN) on Maths and Science Education, which will be led by Kenya; 
-    the Work Plan presented by the newly set up Inter-Country Quality Node (ICQN) on Early Childhood Development, led by Mauritius,  which will be submitted  for final validation at the  forthcoming  ICQN Ministerial Meeting (dates to be fixed).

The Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, Hon. Martial de Paul Ikounga presented AUC’s envisioned Coalition for Education which emphasizes the need for solid and more strategic partnerships for education and development on the African continent.

The meeting also celebrated ADEA’s 25 years of existence. One of the highlights of the celebration was a panel of Ministers and agencies which flagged ADEA's important  contributions to education and training in Africa.  

For more information, contact Thanh-Hoa Desruelles, Principal External Relations and Communication officer, t.desruelles@afdb.org