Working Group on Early Childhood Development and the UNICEF Regional Office for Western and Central Africa in collaboration with UNESCO-BREDA and Plan International WARO.
À travers son initiative Vision 2020, la Gambie s'est efforcée d'élargir l'accès au développement de la petite enfance par la création de centres rattachés à des écoles élémentaires, déployant ainsi une approche intégrée tenant compte de la santé,...
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Under the agenda of Vision 2020, the Gambia offered increased access to early childhood development (ECD) through centers attached to lower basic schools, using an integrated approach that took into account health, nutrition, water and sanitation,...
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![Souscrire à Working Group on Early Childhood Development and the UNICEF Regional Office for Western and Central Africa in collaboration with UNESCO-BREDA and Plan International WARO.](https://adeanet.org/clearinghouse/misc/feed.png)