Non-Formal Education
This paper briefly inventories the reasons that formal education systems are not currently educating all children in SSA and cannot accommodate significantly more children in post-primary education (chapter 1). It goes on to explore the evolution of...
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Conference paper
Thisexperience focuses on young drop-outs from the educational system, which is now known as the CED (Education Centers for Development) strategy, started in 1993, when 20 pioneer centers supervised by the former DNAFLA (Directionnationale de l'...
Document format
Conference paper
This paper summarizes Latin-American trends in recent policies and programs addressed to increase disadvantaged youth employability and employment. Revising the financial, institutional and learning arrangements of the programs,??linked or not...
Document format
Conference paper
This desk study was based principally on the documents of education, agriculture, and health sectors and organized around the same. Non-Formal PPET policy provisions and implementation are weak in the education sector. Non-Formal PPET is extensively...
Document format
Conference paper