ADEA Ministerial Conferences

Bilingual Education in Burkina Faso. An Alternative Approach for Quality Basic Education
By ILBOUDO, Paul Taryam

An experiment in progress in Burkina Faso since 1994 has brought encouraging results worth sharing in the context of the search for African solutions to African problems. The experiment with bilingual education – in an African language and French – that was launched in 1994 in Loumbila territorial district (Oubritenga province, Burkina Faso). The study reports on the history, goals, strategies, content, difficulties and results of this innovation, as well as the perspective it offers on the use of African languages in the education system, the search for bridges between formal and non-formal education and the management of multilingualism for sustainable development benefiting the greatest number of people.
Case Studies series No 11. ADEA Secretariat. 2010. ISBN-10: 92-9178-098-7 ISBN-13: 978-92-9178-098-3. Also exists in French.

Policy frameworks on contract teachers. Recruitment, training and professional development; employment conditions 
Policy frameworks on the recruitment, training and professional development and on the terms of employment of contract teachers were elaborated at a workshop held in Dakar in July 2007 following the conference on contract teachers held in Bamako in November 2004. The document were subsequently finalized by the group of Dakar after the Bamako+5 conference on contract teachers held in October 27-29, 2009 in Bamako, Mali.
Published by the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), le Ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Alphabétisation et des Langues nationales du Mali, the World Bank, Education International, 2011. ISBN-10: 92-9178-113-4, ISBN-13: 978-92-9178-113-3. Also exists in French.

Policy Guide on the Integration of African Languages and Cultures into Education Systems 
This policy guide was amended and adopted by the Ministers of Education present at the "African Conference on the Integration of African Languages and Cultures into Education" held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from 20-22 January 2010. Its purpose is to affirm the policy stance that multilingual and multicultural education should be chosen as the general education system in African countries, with a view to transforming African societies. The guide outlines key requirements of effective multilingual and multicultural education policy: The establishment of policy and legislative frameworks; general awareness-raising and advocacy at national level and the development of regional networks; Institutional strengthening and capacity building; the development of monitoring and evaluation strategies for assessing learning outcomes and follow-up; curriculum development and training of educators; publishing in national languages and book policies; research and teaching innovations; the mobilization of financial resources.
Published by ADEA, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), and the Ministry of Basic Education and Literacy of Burkina Faso with the financial support of the Education Program Development Fund (EPDF) and the BMZ/GTZ, 2010. Also exists in French.

Sustaining Educational and Economic Momentum in Africa 
This publication is a report on the conference for “Sustaining the Education and Economic Momentum in Africa amidst the Current Global Financial Crisis,” which was organized by ADEA, the World Bank, and the African Development Bank in Tunis, Tunisia from 15-17 July 2009. The conference united 44 African ministers of finance and education from 28 countries. Attendees discussed why and how they must exercise joint political leadership during the current global economic crisis to protect the educational development achieved during the past decade. They acknowledged that educational reform is an agenda for the entire government and that strong leadership to foster cross-ministry collaboration, coordination, and mutual accountability is required to ensure that education and training investments are effective in advancing national development and economic progress.
World Bank Working Paper No. 195, Africa Human Development Series
Published by the World Bank with ADEA, the African Development Bank, and Education For All: Fast Track Initiative 2010. ISBN: 978-0-8213-8377-3.

Schools as Centres of Care and Support (SCCS). Responding to the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children in rural areas
By Boukary Hamidou and Argall Jane
An example of a school-based response to the ever-increasing numbers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) is the Schools as Centres of Care and Support (SCCS), an innovative model built on the principles of a multi-sectoral partnership approach to tackling poverty, HIV and AIDS and other diseases. Schools are strengthened to provide quality education, and mobilized to function as hubs of integrated service delivery for children so that they have increased access to health and social welfare services and are able to access and benefit from this education.
Published by the ADEA Secretariat, 2011. ISBN-10: 92-9178-111-8; ISBN-13: 978-92-9178-111-9. Also exists in French.

Why and how Africa should invest in African languages and multilingual education
By Ouane Adama and Glanz Christine
This evidence and practice-based policy advocacy brief is the product of an in-depth research and consultation process that was initiated in 2005 and carried out in consultation with experts—the majority from Africa—in language, education, and publishing and African Ministries of Education. It addresses seven common concerns about mother-tongue-based multilingual education in sub-Saharan Africa in the light of experiences of mother-tongue education in Africa since the 1950s. It also draws on a broad array of experiences and sources from around the world. The focus on African experiences redresses the mistake made so often in the past: namely, the practice of applying to this continent research results from regions with very different linguistic contexts and learning environments. Drawing on research results from Africa, the brief makes concrete suggestions on how education systems can be shaped to foster individual and social development in African contexts. 
As a measure to facilitate the promotion of mother-tongue-based multilingual/multicultural education and learning cultures, Ministers of Education from 18 African countries adopted in 2010 the "Policy Guide on the Integration of African Languages and Cultures into Education Systems" during a conference on the same topic organized by ADEA and UIL in Ouagadougou on 20-22 January 2010.
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), Germany and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), Tunisia, 2010. ISBN: 978-92-820-1171-3 - 72. Also exists in French and Swahili.