Audio-Visual Productions
Videos have been produced by ADEA for its Biennial Meetings which are an opportunity to share and learn from promising experiences taking place in sub-Saharan Africa and other regions of the world. For the 2006 Biennale, ADEA produced four films to illustrate the following themes: effective literacy programs; successful and affordable early childhood development programs; parent and community participation; school leadership. For its 2001 Biennial Meeting, ADEA showed two videos documenting innovative approaches to EFA in El Salvador, Guatemala, India and Bangladesh.
Literacy in Burkina Faso: Report on a Village in the Fada region
This film looks at a small village of around a hundred inhabitants, approximately 30 young men and women, -the main village workforce-who take part in an experimental literacy program. In addition to the adjustments due to the learning process (reading, writing and arithmetic), the family life and that of the village is also transformed.
Produced and directed for ADEA by "Les films du passeur", 2006. Original language in French with English subtitles provided. Length of film: 30 minutes
Parent and Community Participation in Kinshasa, Congo
This film is based in a poor suburb of Kinshasa where the parent/students association and the local community have been working together for over a decade towards the construction and management of the primary school, including teachers' salaries. This film shows how, despite setbacks, (such as a teachers' strike) the group pursues plans for the project, parent participation being, once again, the principal source of financing.
Produced and directed for ADEA by "Les films du passeur", 2006. Original language in French with English subtitles provided. Length of film: 30 minutes
Early Childhood Development in Kassese, Uganda
In a small mountain village inhabited mainly by war refugees, the women, together with UNICEF, have worked together to create a childcare centre for pre-school children from 2-5 years. The children will be given the solid beginnings to an education which will prepare them for the future. The functioning of this childcare is based on a vast network of solidarity: the parents benefit in turn from all the advantages that this network offers: literacy training, information on health, assistance, and support in financing their projects, and more…
Produced and directed for ADEA by "Les films du passeur", 2006. Original language in English with French subtitles provided. Length of film: 30 minutes.
School Leadership in a Primary School in Guinea
This film focuses on a Guinea primary school, where the headmistress chose to improve the level of teaching of all the primary school teachers in the school. Training was provided at the school itself, and the teaching methods were upgraded and reinforced. The headmistress also called upon other community networks and partnerships ( pupil/parent associations, neighborhood cooperatives, NGO's) to contribute to the enhancement of the project.
Produced and directed for ADEA by "Les films du passeur", 2006. Original language in French with English subtitles provided. Length of film: 30 minutes.
Sharing and Learning: El Salvador and Guatemala Produced and directed by ECOLIVET, Katrina J.
This documentary film presents Education for All strategies set up in Guatemala and El Salvador, which formed part of a broader effort to establish peace after several years of civil war. The reforms reflect both the government's political determination and the strong desires of the communities to improve school coverage and the quality of learning among disadvantaged groups, particularly in rural areas. The methods used emphasize self-learning, progressing at the individual's own pace, and self-management by the governing bodies set up in the schools. In El Salvador, the reforms are also aimed at expanding access to education, improving the quality of education, and reducing repetition and dropout rates in disadvantaged areas.
Steps for Mankind Productions for the World Bank with support from the Norwegian Education Trust Fund, 2000. Available in English. A bilingual (English/French) version is also available. 26' - PAL - price 10 $US
Sharing and Learning: Bangladesh and India Produced and directed by ECOLIVET, Katrina, J
This documentary film presents the results of two innovative educational programs in Bangladesh and India, which have achieved important progress in terms of access and equity in education. The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), set up in 1972 to rebuild and develop rural areas, uses alternative, results-oriented teaching schemes. Great attention is given to training the teachers who subsequently benefit from on-going support and supervision systems as well as regular further education. This large-scale program gives ample liberty to local districts to define their own needs and priorities. India has succeeded in reaching the dual goal of meeting the very diverse learning needs of its minority populations while expanding mass education. In 1994, the government launched the District Primary Education Project (DPEP) to improve education access for disadvantaged children. The program has been an overall success, leading to a rise in enrolment rates and a drop in repetition rates between 1995 and 1999.
Steps for Mankind Productions for ADEA, with support from the Norwegian Education Trust Fund, 2001. Available in English. A bilingual (English/French) version is also available, 20' - PAL - price 10 $US