Integration and Articulation of Post-Primary Education and Training in Africa. Contribution of NQF and Recognition of Non-formal and Informal learning: a Key to Lifelong Learning
An increasing number of African governments are developing accelerated plansfor poverty reduction and knowledge-based industrial development, but areconfronted with a situation of lacking frameworks conducive for comprehensivecapacity building and lifelong learning.The increasing demand for post-primary education is pushing African countriesto improve the efficiency, performance and relevance of their systems. Africangovernments are seeing in NQFs a way to reform their education and trainingsystems, addressing flexibility, widening participation, and en-hancing mobility.Within the context of African countries' aim to develop comprehensive capacitybuilding in post-primary education and training, this article will highlightthe importance of four interrelated strategies and their underlying conceptualunderpinnings. These relate to:1. Lifelong and Life wide Learning2. National Qualifications Framework (NQF)3. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)4. Institutional and structural dimensions