The Education For All Fast-Track Initiative
If EFA is to be achieved in 2015, all six-year-old children will have to be in school within three years. The Fast Track Initiative (FTI) aims to help tackle this challenge by: ""{SAUT}supporting any country that meets two conditions: having a PRSP and an education sector strategy in conformity with it; ""{SAUT}enhancing aid effectiveness through cooperation and harmonization; ""{SAUT}providing a framework agreement between donors and countries for an adequate budgetary allocation and efficient resource management; ""{SAUT}creating a catalytic seed fund and a fund for educational program development to provide financial and technical assistance respectively. A review of FTI activity shows progress in mobilizing resources and in the number of countries supported. Major challenges remain, however: the long-term commitment and predictability of the financial support provided, problems of educational quality, etc.